
+ philosophy

My name is Noor Malik. As a Pakistani-Canadian artist, I find inspiration in the geometric patterns inherent to Islamic lands and explore the intricacies that connect cultures across borders. Rooted in the precision of ancient constructions, my art embraces a vibrant palette, challenging expectations and offering a contemporary twist on a timeless form.

This harmonious dissonance reflects the intersection of my dual identity: inviting viewers to ponder the evolving nature of cultural expression and the beauty that arises when tradition meets innovation.

Join me in celebrating diversity through the mesmerizing dance of colour and geometry, where unexpected colours breathe new life into age-old patterns.


artist statement
The purpose of my art is to inspire awe and curiosity in the divine Geometric designs typically begin with a circle a perfect continuous shape with no beginning and end it can be seen as an ode to the perfection and oneness of our Creator


shop my newly released art journal, “Light & Shadows”, original paintings and limited releases of hand-finished fine art giclée prints - selected prints linked below, for more designs visit my Etsy shop. Coming soon: handmade artisanal paints!


Light & Shadow

Introducing Light & Shadow: patterns and reflections for your inner artist.

This art journal was created to be your companion on a journey of inspired creativity. A beautiful array of Islamic Geometric designs await your interpretation of colour and execution.

The art journal also features reflections to help you and achieve a sense of peace as you paint.

Each journal is handmade and features 12 patterns on 300gsm watercolour paper.

The full kit includes:

- Light & Shadow art journal with sheer white satchel

- 3 paintbrushes (nylon) in size 0, 00, and 000

- a white mixing palette

- a colour mixing wheel to guide you on how to create colours

- Winsor & Newton Cotman palette of 12 colours, 1 brush, and a tray

- Colours include: half pans of Lemon Yellow Hue, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Cadmium Red Pale Hue, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Ultramarine, Intense Blue (Phthalo Blue), Viridian Hue, Sap Green, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Chinese White


Drop Shadow
Drop Shadow
Drop Shadow

Looking to start Islamic Geometry but not sure where to begin? This free PDF guide has everything you need to start.

Two free Islamic Geometry printables, ready for you to download and start colouring.

Free guide on all things colour

Coming soon

For business inquiries please email noormalikart gmail com
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